Fungicide   > HEXAGON 5 SC


Category Fungicide
Active Ingredient Hexaconazole 5% W/W
Registration No. F2014-932
Description It’s a Suspension Concentrate with systemic action for prevention and cure of fungal diseases in plants. It’s most effective in leaf blight, rust, powdery mildew, white rust, blackleg, sheath blight, wilt, early blight, scab, purple blotch, sigatoka leaf spot in banana, botrytis blight and dieback in grape.

Method of use – Foliar
Dosage Use 12-50cc/sprayer, 60-250cc/acre.
Remark - Use (5-8) sprayers of (20) litre capacity per acre.
Pre-harvest Interval (PHI) 15-27 Days
GHS Class Class (5)